7 Months

This month we have:

Mastered crawling,  Scaling EVERYTHING, and starting to cruise around, and he can stand without assistance for a bit.  Sitting up by himself, holding a sippy cup and knows the sign for milk.

He has eaten: peas (yuck), applesauce (yuck), carrots (yuck), watermelon (yuck), sweet potatoes (YUM), avocado (YUM), banana (yuck, with a reaction)

He still loves when I sing twinkle twinkle and the ABC song for bed, he sleeps in the car seat (yay!),

The biggest change in Christopher is that he is not my snuggly baby during the day anymore.  He is constantly pushing off of me so he can crawl and stand.  But he is still snuggly at night in bed!

Josh has taken a very active roll in teaching Christopher sign language and reading.

We had another hospital trip due to croup and him needing steriods

He now puts himself in the sitting position from the crawling position

Still no teeth

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